Monday, July 14, 2014


我想, 我是真的快要疯了~~
如果是已经找到属于自己的幸福了, 可以告知一下吗? 我不想做傻子
如果不是, 只是单纯想放弃, 也请告知。


Tuesday, June 03, 2014

June 2014 - Beginning or Ending

Second day of June, time really flies, half of 2014 just passed by

Should be a whole new chapter of my life and yet receiving 3 sad news in a row in just one day

First -- one of my colleagues chose to leave us in the end after her maternal leave. Expecting that, yet feel really disappointed and sad abt it. Never thought she could be such selfish and leave us with all these troubles and even bad mouth about us. Really, it's not the way we should live our life!! Telling myself, learn from her and avoid being her, n upmost is not being a victim of ppl like her next time

Second -- The husband of our dearest teacher, 邓主任 passed away this afternoon. Was shocked upon hearing this. Gonna pay hm respect two days later
Just may him rest in peace and 邓主任can stay strong.

Third -- Scheduled to attend friend's wedding this sunday, another shocking news, his father-in-law died and the wedding was forced to postponed. Really unexpected and look like all these telling n warning me to cherish all the ppl ard me. 

Lastly, just a short note, perhaps also a hint for me to end everything including you with all these signs.....

Monday, May 26, 2014


突然心血来潮看看自己的部落格, 果然荒废了很久啊 

不知不觉在中心呆了六年, 当初还是一年级的学生如今也要面临UPSR了, 似乎真的要认老了
院长也在慢慢地训练我当中, 可是总觉得自己很不给力, 让他一直失望当中
正如今年的汤杯队伍, 在众人的期盼中还是输给了日本队, 唉....... 

思绪有点混淆, 在阅读的你将就一下吧

这两年, 似乎发生了很多事, 也似乎没有 几宗重要事件包括

2013年9月 住院记
在医院耗了两个月, 连续被三间医院踢来踢去, 最终在中央医院落脚
很辛苦, 院长也说我的价值观会因此改变, 是真的吗, 我真的无法知晓, 倒是工作上不像往年得心应手罢了, 是他的要求提高, 还是我在退步呢??? 

2014年3月 韩国游记
人生中的第一个背包旅行, 和妹妹到韩国出游记
很棒的体验, 很享受那儿的生活, 没有工作的烦恼, 悠闲的日子让我相当舍不得离开

有空还有有心情的话, 下次上传照片

整理了两下, 还真的没啥大事了 其他事包括
Universal Studio, Singapore 游记
表姐堂哥 结婚生子, 表姐最近还怀了第二胎
好朋友结婚 瑞真--屹峰--佩佩--秀芳
喜欢和被喜欢的人都找到了自己的幸福, 真好
 要睡了, 希望今天也能梦到好事 晚安了~~