Monday, December 26, 2005



在上次的post之后,我和我的弟妹,堂妹,表弟还有堂哥一块儿去看了电影,Narnia, 还蛮不错的啦,我是这么觉得啦,看了电影之后,就去唱K了。在厢房的时候,我的弟弟还一直在那边搞怪,很好笑。在这之前,还有几段小插曲,第一,本来我们想直接就在neway唱的,可是因为我的弟弟没有学生证,又碰巧他高过了那个柜台,所以不能算学生的价钱,而大人的价钱却要RM26.50++,很贵,我们几个还因此很不爽,因为我弟弟左看右看都知道他还是个学生嘛,却还要算大人,不可能要我的弟弟出这笔对他来说是"天文数字"的钱吧,所以我们只好换地点到redbox唱了,虽然同样我的弟弟不能算是学生,也不能算小孩子,但至少这里大人的价钱只需RM17.50++, 便宜很多,而且我姐妹俩还有我两个堂妹已经同意我的弟弟只需支付RM10, 剩下的钱我们四个一起承担,所以就决定在"红盒子"了。另一个小插曲是我在麦当劳遇到雪梨他们,当时他们是为了去电脑展的。那一天就大概是这样。

后来,在那之后的隔一天,我和我的堂妹,阿廷,去倒酒,在sentosa的北京楼。隔天礼拜天,我们又连下两场,早上在johor jaya新开张的酒店,晚上同样在北京楼。最近的喜事还真多呢!不过在早上的那场,我发现tiger原来酱先进了,有自己招牌的塑料杯了。呵呵~ 哦对,补充一下,在拜六的晚上做完工后,我和堂妹一家有一块去“开会”了,俗称“喝茶”,哈哈~ 我弟弟很可怜,被我们几个“攻击”到体无完肤。呵呵~

然后,我又在统考成绩出炉的隔天,找了阿杜陪我一块到学校一起去领袖训练营,还顺便敲了阿杜一笔,哼,谁叫他考到8科A, 当然要庆祝一下嘛,哈哈~ 顺道一提,这也是我第一次驾车离开百万镇,平常,我都只是在百万镇附近兜几圈而已,虽然有些差劲,但总算还是安全的抵达学校,也回到了家里。




Saturday, November 26, 2005

My results last short semester.....

yeah, actually i've got my result before my birthday, but i keep forgetting to post it up in my blog until today...

since last semester is short sem, so i only have two subjects, here are my results:
Introduction to Psychology 2: 91 (quite satisfied with that)
Introduction to Sociology: 74 (no disappointment though cant get an A here)

and i've choosen the subjects which i'm going to have next sem:
Malaysian Studies, Lifespan Development, Social Psychology, Expository Writing & Psychological Research Methods 2

Watch Harry Potter 4 this Monday.....

yeap, i watched The Goblet of Fire this Monday with my sister, brother n three cousins.

since we arrived quite late, about 2pm tat day n we need to rush back home before 7 since my sis was going to her travel tat nite, so we have to watch 3.05pm but there were not much seats for us to choose, so, we have no choice but to sit at the third rows before the screen.

after watching it, quite disappointed with the movie, becoz it has cut and changed many plots on the books, many excitement on the books just cant get from the movie, especially the Quidditch World Cup, omg, just showing for i think no last for 10 seconds, sigh.... maybe the director have no choice lor, since the books are so thick that the movie just cannot get everything showing..... n many plots have been changed, like when harry potter dreamt abt the voldertmort, the crouch junior actually is not at the scene, anyway, that's how the movie shown....

quite agree tat this movie is actually quite good for those who hvnt read the series but not for them who hv read, since there will be comparison made....

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Worked yesterday in Singapore......


所以罗,因为是到新加坡的关系,所以必须要很早就准备好,大约中午十二点酱,我伯父就来载我了。唉,车上除了我,我堂妹,我伯父之外,剩下五个人都是auntie, 可想而知,车上变成了变形的巴刹。三姑六婆在那儿讨论谁在这之前赶得最辛苦,果然大家都是典型的家庭主妇,要更短的时间完成平时用一天做的家务,真可怜她们。而我和我的堂妹就在一片喧哗声中,讨论拜一一块儿看harry potter 的事情。就这样一路到了kastam,我们就自己走路过关卡了。

过了关卡,因为还要等其他还没到的auntie,我跟我堂妹就先搭巴士到kranji地铁站等他们。因为我可爱的妈咪忘了给我mrt的卡,所以我只好自己去买一张临时的卡,可是我伯母只交待我们买红山的票,我们又不肯定它的英文名字,只好问了一个好心的auntie, 才买了一张票。果然,路长在人的嘴巴上,说的一点也没错。




由于长堤很塞车,我伯父无法进来载我们,所以我们只好选择坐德士到woodland checkpoint,再走路出境,再走路到桥中段,我伯父在那儿等我们。凄凉的是,我们等了很久才截到teksi,有一次还被人捷足先登,抢了其中一辆,最可恶的事,那个人还跟我们招手,真是可恶透了!!!是因祸得福吗,我们终于截到了一辆,还是mercedes benz的那种。那个司机也很好人,本来的teksi费是$14.95的,他只收我们$14,他大概亏了一块钱新加坡币。


My Birthday......

yeap, day before yesterday was my birthday... but i dun really have time to post sth here tat day....

first, i've got to thank to all my friends who had given their blessings to me on my birthday, siou ling, pei fen, peggy, pei pei, ying taat, ke yi, jun jie, yun jie, yi yong, ying ying, pei wen, isabella, wan ting, a heng, xue min,wei qiang n sam. thanks guys.... n there are 5 more ppl celebrated my birthday for me, ting mei, mehng, yih feng, kai xuan n de xin, i'm very grateful for tat, really, thanks a lot, my friends....

mmm... becoz my family dun have the tradition to celebrate birthday, so i never celebrate mine until last year, u guys celebrated for me, i felt so glad n happy to noe u all, really, thanks....

love u all, my friends~~ ^^

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

watching chicken little today~~

today, went to watch movie, chicken little with my friend, li koon. since we've have been long time to meet with each other since i'm back jb last time, 算了一下,almost 2 months liao.... sigh, now it's quite hard to meet friend liao, no like when we're in school, seeing each other almost everyday unless when it's holiday..... tat's make me more treasure the friendship among me n u all... for them whom i seldom contact with, i apologise here, very sorry abt tat....

anyway, talking abt the movie, chicken little, it's like a family movie, talking abt the kinship among a son and his father, the son wanna to have faith from his father while his father dun want to have shame from his son, eversince his son talking abt the sky is falling down, indeed, it's quite true from some pt... anyway, it has a happy ending, everyone is safe from the "attack" of the alien, n the bond between the son n his father are stronger.... ^^

after i watched the movie, ting mei just told me that she wanna watch this movie tomorrow also, poor gal, however, she told me after that we dun watch movie tomorrow liao cos i've seen it, n harry potter is first day shown, so we wanna get out from the crowd....sorry le, ting mei.....

Friday, November 11, 2005




人生当中 真的有很多分歧点
需要自己去抉择 一旦作了决定
以前的我们 总是会犹豫 遗憾
于是 越来越多的不完美 越来越多的情绪压抑 越来越不快乐
很多事情 错过了就没有了 错过了就是会变的
既然自己无法阻止这一切的变化 那又何必执著于其中呢?
一直相信 上帝会有这样的安排 就有祂自己的一套道理
所以每个人走的每一步路 都有它的意义存在
只是 时候未到 自己无法体验出箇中道理罢了

Thursday, November 10, 2005

working as waitress yesterday~~

mmm....becoz i dun really like to work as promoter, so when my mum said tat the tuition centre dun need a temporary teacher, i just hanging around at home.

so, when my 伯母 asked me if i wanna work yesterday, i just agreed since i hv nothing to do at home, except watching tv, reading books n on9, wat more important is tat i can earn little bit $$$, hehe... :p

then, i went to tat restaurant at abt 5.30pm since it is quite near to my house with my cousins. aiz, poor me, the captain put me n my cousin in the tables tat which is the farest away from the kitchen, so we need to walk a long long way to serve the meals to the customers.... it's been a long time since i worked at aug, so, my legs are very very 酸痛.

yesterday is someone's wedding, poor couple, yesterday is rainning all day when they were married. n i only found out it's 子威的亲戚's wedding when i saw his mom and brothers walking in.... aiz, hate to meet someone familiar to me when i work, coz it's quite strange meeting in those scenario....after tat, worse, i even saw my student there.... aiz, maybe buddha is punishing me for not praying bah~~~

then, the dinner ends at, i think abt 11.00pm, 收拾完残局后,we went back home with RM33 each person liao... aiz, quite little the payment, nv mind lar, i also wanna to pass my time only....

tat's all my working yesterday, except i earn RM33, i just have my tired body n mind n having met few ppl tat i dun wanna meet when i work.... tat's all.....

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

finally, can on9 today liao

eversince i back to home, i try to on9, but just cant, aiz, dunno if the line hates me... :<

finally, i can on9 today, just wanna write to let u guys noe only... hehe....

Saturday, October 29, 2005

about end of sem dinner yesterday.....


说回这个end of sem dinner好了,我的社会学讲师在某一堂课上问起我们是否要在一个学期结束之前,大家一块吃个晚餐,结果大伙都同意了。在一番热烈的讨论之后,大家就决定在28号,也就是昨天,趁大家刚刚考完final,还没回家乡之前,在金河广场附近的planet hollywood聚一聚。这也是我迟至明天才回新山的原因,要不然以我的个性,早在26号收拾行囊享受我的假期了..... :p


到了昨天,我们几个穿着黑色衣服的女生,就坐着Anna的车上路了。唉!这一路上啊,我们的大家姐简直high到了极点,就连跟朋友讲电话,也让我们车上其他的三个人摇头不已,说真的,不知道的人,还以为她是黑社会的大姐大咧!尤其配上她的那身穿着,黑色tube top和牛仔短裤,是很短的那种哦。当然啦,还有一位朋友也是这样穿,也就是长得非常高的Tiffany了,这两个人的姿色也不错,所以呢,走在金河广场的时候,一路上都有男生吹口哨,还有很多男生对着他们看,唉,真是让我大开了眼界,都没看过这种阵仗... 而那两个肇祸者还一直栽赃给我和另一个朋友,Jesslyn,真是受够了。我跟他们在一起的时候啊,总是会为自己的样貌哀悼多几遍。尤其他们的身高,真是给我很大的压力。可是跟他们在一起还蛮好玩的啦,这是无可否认的。

到了planet hollywood,大家就忙着寒暄几句,毕竟在考试期间,大家都没什么机会见面。然后,就忙着拍照了,免不了的习俗。:p 进去用餐的时候,赫然发现有一位外国美女哦!!大家都在猜是不是我们讲师的女朋友,幸运的,不是!真是替那位外国美女捏了一把冷汗,毕竟,我们的讲师,Ken, 是一个超难相处的人,跟他交往,应该会很辛苦。不明白为什么之前还会有女生跟他交往了八年!!那个女生忍耐力真够强的... :p
用餐的时候,还真的没什么好写的,只是很奇怪的就是,另外一边,应该有人生日吧.... 其实,生日也没什么特别的,每天都会有人生日的嘛,怪就怪在他们在短短几个小时内连续唱了4次生日歌,都不知道为什么,而且还干扰到其他正在享用美食的人,包括我们。总之,很吵就是了。

后来,到了结账的时候,有人就提议说要去clubbing,唉,以我的个性,当然是不可能奉陪的啦,而我们的大家姐,Anna也因为家里的关系,不能太晚回家,所以我也就没有交通问题了,可以早早回家。在回家之前,因为Jesslyn的coffeebean voucher要过期了,为了不要浪费,于是我们三个人加上另一个女生,Elicia,就到附近的coffeebean喝咖啡去了。只可惜天公不作美,在我们要打道回府的时候,它竟然下起大雨,没办法,这场雨看起来短时间内都不会停了,于是我们四个女生就这样淋着雨回到停车场,终于可以回家了。

我的end of sem dinner就在落汤鸡的情况下结束了。说到淋雨,其实还蛮好玩的,好久没这样淋得满身湿湿的了。

Chelsea LOST.... : )

nearly forgot to write down this liao....

haha!!! finally, chelsea lost in the match with charlton.... so happy!!!

for those who dun noe, i'm so happy becoz i dun like chelsea n not really becoz they have a lot of $$$, but for their arrogant coach, tat's all. so i'm quite happy when i heard tat they lost, not arsenal, not man utd, but charlton ohh!!! although charlton play quite well in this season undeniably..... : )

still, very happy!!! HAHA!!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

meeting a MOUSE today ~ ^^|||

yeap, dun be doubt, i met with a real MOUSE today~~~ my tears almost drop down after tat..... oh my god!!! i just very very very*n HATE mouse, think that they are really disgusting and dirty......

WHY??? WHY is me the one who actually witness the MOUSE to go across my hostel's living room, now i'm really scared liao~~~ anything tat pass by i'll think tat that is mouse, oh my god!!!!!

aih, hope tat the cage will help to catch these animals.......
bless me..........

let's start my blog now~

since i've to sign up to post comment on mehng's blog, although no required to set up a blog lar, but since i've an account now, just dun waste it... n i can get chance to write down sth~ a way to express ^^