Friday, March 16, 2007

Psychology Day (12th March 2007)

as i what have said earlier, our professional development classmates were all busy with organizing this event, the Psychology Day which was oredi held on monday, we all so excited at that day and have took a lot of picture, here they are:
our big family of committees =)

my best friends in ucsi, without the guy, keeyue :p

(from left to right: jess, anna, pei, me, my sis and siew fong)

with siewfong, hanson and my sis, the picture that i like the most ^^

with pei n tracy...

with two tall gals among my friends, meiteng n jovina

with siewfong n pei...

with some of the committees......

with andrew, anna, lionel and keeyue

with david~~~

with tracy

with my sis.... she really helped us a lot on that day...thanks ya!!

with pretty fiz.......

with keeyue~~~

with Ms. Teow, one of our speakers......

with haushen...





hanson... he oso helped us a lot though he is not psychology students, thanks ya!!!

with our cute president, kelvin...

with our vice president, choong yin. too bad din photo with him in formal dress..... it's a rare scene to see him wearing formal.......

with andrew...

there are still more pictures for that day itself, but i oredi upload all the photos that i was inside, so if anyone interested to know more abt our psychology day, do come to my multiply website, i have a album called psychology day, all interesting pic were upload there oredi. but i am not sure if you guys can go in and have a look if you are not sign up, if not, then tell me lah, i will see how......

but truly speaking, tat day was really fun, and it was quite successful seeing that it was first done in our college, and i really satisfied with the outcome, seeing all our efforts were appreciated by others, i was really happy with that. though there were a lot of unhappy things happen in the past, but after the days, they all seemed not important oredi. like wat my friends said, that day certainly is the happiest day we had ever had in our college!!!!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Tired~~ Frustrated的两个礼拜


最严重的时候应该是在上上个礼拜的拜五晚上吧?又要读quiz又要写write up, 然后那个write up一个字都没写到,所以一整个晚上我断断续续只睡了5个小时,可是就像朋友说的,这样更惨!结果就是我的quiz真的应该会不及格!!!看到题目的时候,没有一题是我会做的,眼泪都快飙出来了,可是又能怎样?

然后,更让人生气的是发生在接下来那个拜一,我的lecturer说我的mail有grammar mistake, 然后一直在那边讲为什么我没有检查清楚才send出去,我很好心的问他我哪里写错了,结果他也很“好心”的叫我找朋友看!什么lecturer嘛?真的是给他气死。这样也就算了,等下上课的时候,又跟我们炫耀说什么他third year 的时候拿了10个subject, 结果还是可以拿到first class什么的,说我们time management不好,所以才会complain很多assignment, walau eh, 酱厉害,跟我们分享他怎样time management啦!这样我们才可以学到东西嘛!你厉害是你的事,不要跟我们比较,也不需要你来跟我们讲你有多了不起!!!!!只不过是问看你可不可以把5分convert to psychology day的分数而已嘛,需要讲酱多,有必要酱生气吗?学生嘛,总会觉得assignment太多,想要减少一点工作量,你有必要这么大反应吗?

接下来,更叫我生气的事发生了,又是同一个lecturer!我们有一份lifestyle assessment要写,然后这个lecturer不懂在想什么的?due time竟然是上课前的半个小时!!!这样也就算了,还将什么迟一个小时,扣一分,这样也还算了,即使你吃了五分钟,1分也要造扣!!walau, 现在是怎样?第一次听到这样的扣分方法的咯!不过这些我还能够勉强接受啦!更不可思议的是,我有两个朋友因为有4题没有回答到,而且酱看过去,是很重要的4题,然后我朋友就去问他可不可以迟交,分数让他扣,重点是他们需要时间来回答那4题,其中一个朋友,他勉勉强强答应了;可是另一个朋友,他不给哦!!!!!!!!!!什么道理哦?还跟我讲什么对其他同学不公平!!!我们都没有讲什么?他凭什么assume我们会觉得不公平?他又不是我们!怎样指导我们的想法??????!!! 总之,我真的很生气!可以的话,下个sem我应该会尽量避免拿他的科。(虽然有点不可能)=(

另外,他还有一个地方得罪我!!他最近很喜欢在我们的meeting上挑三挑四,(好彩他的建议有些还可取,不然我真的会考虑把他丢去海里面)我生气的是为什么他要等到距离psychology day 不到一个礼拜的时间才讲这些东西,之前又一幅不care的样子,这样算什么?亡羊补牢吗?还是什么?然后又一直在那边讲什么我们都是为了分数!拜托!如果真的是为了分数,我们早就撒手不管了好不好?我们付出的努力早就超过了20分了咯!如果真的为了分数,我们有必要还这样拼命吗?如果真的为了分数,呵呵~我们早就可以随随便便做了咯!真的很生气他只凭他的想法来下结论!
